
Mostrando postagens de outubro, 2024

The war of darkness and (partial) light

First of all, I need to say that I’m writing this text very vexed. This is because I DON’T LIKE YOU LIGHTWORKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are a few exceptions and all, but overall, that’s the truth. I’m not like Lord Jesus, I’m not kind and patient, and I’ll tell you right to your faces that I don't like you. I don’t like the vast majority of the “light” teachers of Earth too. For me, most of you are a bunch of aholecon triggered people and you are no light beings no sh*t. However, I need to write this text, because I want to see the (few) innocent of this planet free, and I also want me and my loved ones to be free. THIS WAR THAT YOU THINK IS REAL IT’S NOT REAL!!!!!! IT’S ONLY A THEATER. There is no such thing as darkness vs light war. The light forces could end this war in a few days, and I’ll tell you how. The positive extraterrestrials have a technology in which they call “The Mjolnir”. It’s a weapon that can teleport beings of darkness to anywhere in the ...


In my opinion, Ukraine looks like a little girl, being used by everybody while her mother (Russia) tries to bring her back to her own family. She hates her mother and believes that the "rich" guy (called Sam) likes her, while he seems to only want to destroy her mother as she represents a challenge to his rule of the neighborhood. Some people say that her boyfriend is acting like a crazy lunatic that is bleeding her to death, believing that Sam, his girlfriends (Western Europe countries) and his friends really like them. But it actually looks like that Sam and the others hate them, because they are de-facto Russians, no matter if they want to believe that they are Aryan Nazis. Her hair has started to fall down, teeth falling down, severe wounds are appearing on her body and it's possible that she will never be the same anymore. Actually, she could even be completely killed in this crazy process. We don't know how all of that bs will end, but the only thing we know is ...

A warrior's advice.

You know, when fighting a hydra, the warrior should not keep attacking the heads of the hydra, as these will regrow over and over. The warrior must aim to the HEART of the hydra, so that the beast can be finally killed. In the past, the warrior couldn't do that, because the hydra would cause a lot of suffering to the people of the warrior if he tried that. However, those who read this blog properly know that this can now be prevented. If the warrior doesn't attack the heart soon, not only he will be killed, but his people and his leaders will be killed too, as the heads of the hydra will continue growing more and more enraged and treacherous. The negative energy from the battle and the determination to kill will also favor the hydra. So, this is my advice to those who need to understand it. If they are afraid to go for the heart, they need to understand that there will be consequences, much more serious than if they did indeed aimed for the heart. And no, I'm not a warrior...