
A warrior's advice.

You know, when fighting a hydra, the warrior should not keep attacking the heads of the hydra, as these will regrow over and over. The warrior must aim to the HEART of the hydra, so that the beast can be finally killed. In the past, the warrior couldn't do that, because the hydra would cause a lot of suffering to the people of the warrior if he tried that. However, those who read this blog properly know that this can now be prevented. If the warrior doesn't attack the heart soon, not only he will be killed, but his people and his leaders will be killed too, as the heads of the hydra will continue growing more and more enraged and treacherous. The negative energy from the battle and the determination to kill will also favor the hydra. So, this is my advice to those who need to understand it. If they are afraid to go for the heart, they need to understand that there will be consequences, much more serious than if they did indeed aimed for the heart. And no, I'm not a warrior

Secrets of the dark lord

Before the main post, I’m going to make another update about Operation Checkmate . It looks like that now the mass arrests will be performed in secret, and not in the open. The divine forces have realized that it's better to let humanity evolve in a more organic and natural way, instead of simply gifting them an intervention that they don’t deserve. Humanity doesn’t have the moral merit to go through a colorful intervention, and that includes the light workers/light warriors too. With the mass arrests of the dark forces happening in secret, the positive changes will be set in motion on the planet without gifting humanity these things that they don’t deserve. Humanity (including the light workers and light warriors) is not interested in an internal change, they are not humble and kind with everybody, and only with those they agree with or see as an important or famous figure. Also, most of them are actually very cold and cruel unless they agree with the person or see him or her as


Post Updated to Version 2.0 Before the main text, I’d like to make a quick update about the situation of Mexico reclaiming back their territory stolen by the United States. Actually I don’t know what is going on about this subject, because now the ones who need to decide what to do, are the people and government of Mexico. I said that there is at least 95% certainty that they will indeed successfully reclaim their stolen territory, but only if they want to do that of course. And as I also said, God and the light forces will guarantee that they are respected in their wish, because it is their right. We ask the people and government of Mexico to do the right thing and to really reclaim what is rightfully theirs. They are the only ones who can save the world. The United States is responsible for a lot of evil, suffering and injustices in our world, and Mexico can put an end to this. With military options against the United States, the entire world would end, so peaceful solutions a

A few clarifications about my work

I'd like to make a few clarifications about Heaven Storm Riders here. I'll take advantage of the fact that everyone listen to me to make these clarifications (yes, it's true that nobody interacts with this blog, as they feel intimidated and scared, but this doesn't change the fact that people DO hear me secretly). They know that there is something to behold going on in this blog, even though they won't admit it. Anyways, I'd like to say that as an ordinary and common human, I'm "blind". We humans are blind to the truths of the world. We can't see them with our own eyes, as the dark forces hide them, but we can sense them, and we can hear, pick up and rationalize about them too. This is why it may be possible that some things that I say here won't really happen. I can't guarantee anything as I'm only a human, even though I'm considered God in human form, just like Lord Jesus also was in his time.  And by the way, this informat




 I'm a nobody, just like you also are.


In some of my previous articles I told you that the sovereignty of Russia was guaranteed, but that I didn’t want to start a specific plan unless it was absolutely necessary. Well, I was hoping that the United States government could somehow come to their senses and stop manipulating the Russo-Ukrainian war, where millions of people are dying or suffering, just because the United States wants to prevent Russia from being a competition to them (as they want to implement Pro-USA and Pro-American-way-of-life politicians in every countries of the world, including Russia). They also want to completely destroy some other countries like Iran for example (which they won’t of course) . The United States was responsible for untold suffering and injustices in our world. Over time, they lost the principles in which they were founded for and became an evil imperialist force, taking over or destroying countries using Pro-USA politicians and military leaders, threatening other countries, destroying