I’m going to present now a text that will serve as a support material, suggestions and perhaps a guide on how we can fix the world TOGETHER in the next 4 or 5 years. Please, be advised that my English is not 100% perfect, as I’m from the country of Brazil.

First of all, we need to work together, as I said. It is true that countries like the United States, Russia, China and the most influential countries of Western-Europe like Germany, France and England will have a huge say in the process (they need to). But we need to remember that every country is sovereign and therefore everyone needs to be given the right to make decisions for their people and land.

Please remember that the light forces are composed of many factions, and some people say that it’s very egocentric to state that the light forces as a whole have chosen the United States as the main leader of the positive changes.

Here are of some of the major world problems that we need to solve or start solving in the next 4 to 5 years:

- Eradicating extreme poverty.

This needs to be our top 1 priority. We need to eradicate extreme poverty, both in humans and in animals living in the streets. People living in the streets need psychological help as they suffer from deep depression. Animals living in the streets need to be guided to loving families.

The plan to fix the world already has many of the methods and techniques that we can use to solve this problem. The plan not only shows us how to eradicate world hunger, but also how to end homelessness.

Don’t worry because you, the world leaders who will make the plan a reality, don’t need to say that it was me who created the plan. However, I ask decency for you to say that many of the implemented ideas are based on ideas created by the people. That is only fair and will show that you are noble, respectful and not fake, envying people who only want to help, while trying to play the nice guys.

Please understand also that we are not making everybody rich. People will have food, a house and maybe even a cheap car for them to go to work. However, whoever wants a Ferrari, will need to work to get it.

It will help people to stay motivated in their lives, because when extreme poverty is solved, people with severe mental disorders will start getting healed, and will naturally want to earn more money to get a better life.

- Ending all wars (or allowing those who still want to create/join wars to fight them in arena cities only).

We need to create international laws to forbid all current-model wars. If some countries still want to resolve their disagreements via military means, let them be responsible for themselves as adults and do so, but without civilians and innocents involved. Only volunteer soldiers need to be allowed, and both countries need to agree for payments, prizes or concessions to the winner.

So if they want to be morons and go to war, they will have a lot to loose too, without putting the innocents inside of it.

The texts The end of “all” wars and A few hints to decrease war scenarios already explained this idea in details. It’s up to the “strongest” countries of the world to lead the way through international court and organizations, such as the United Nations, for those ideas to become mandatory, so we’ll never have our beautiful cities, people and animals, being bombed again.

There is still time for the countries to talk to each other and avoid this arena wars scenarios, but they need to understand that the deal must be good for everybody involved, or at least fair. For example, in the Israel-Palestine situation, they need to split the territory equally. They could also create one new united country with the two nations. If they don’t accept that, then Israel needs to understand that the best course of action will be for them to give back the lands of the Palestinians.

Both Koreas can choose to reunite and keep the northern and southern sovereignty, while both sides work to reestablish unity. If not, both Koreas should change their names and become independent countries forever.

Russia could give back Ukraine their lands in exchange for security and better behavior guarantees from the Ukrainian government.

Quote: A possible solution for the Russo-Ukrainian war, is for Ukraine to surrender (or reach a deal) in exchange for Russia leaving their country and giving Donbass back. However, Ukraine will have to commit to destroy all their illegal bio-weapons laboratories, because armed forces and governments with ties to nazism should NOT be allowed to have such dangerous weapons. In fact, Ukraine would also need to commit to abandon all its neo-nazi ideology and behavior too. They would also need to commit to stop persecuting and attacking the Russian-descent people of Donbass and not to join NATO. Ukraine joining NATO is as unfair as the Russians positioning as many troops as they wanted in Mexico. The United States would NOT like that at all!!!!!!!!!!”

It’s important that Ukraine cedes the possession of all dangerous types of weapons, because governments and armed forces with ties to nazism should not be allowed to have those weapons.

If not, then Ukraine will need to accept defeat and give in land to Russia to avoid more bloodshed.

About China and Taiwan, Taiwan needs to be left alone as long as it doesn’t receive foreign troops in its territory. That could be seen as a trap from powers hostile to China to attack and invade China if one eventual need (for them) arises. Taiwan can have their own army, but can’t accept foreign troops of any type, as long as China leaves them alone.

Please be advised that these are only a few suggestions and the countries will need to work together to find peaceful solutions to their problems, WITHOUT negative interference from third countries.

- Fixing the environmental problems.

A lot of environmental problems can be solved both applying the plan to fix the world and the usage of advanced technologies. As we are getting free from the dark forces, many of those advanced technologies will start being released. Those technologies are not meant to create a perfect world for humanity, but for allowing humanity to stand up and walk forward for itself.

We also need strong laws to protect the environment in all the countries of the world. These laws need take away money from people that disobey them. That is one of the best ways to guarantee that people will indeed obey them.

As the plan to fix the world, laws and the advanced technologies will take care of this issue, we can go to the next topic.


- Fixing unhealthy work journey.

Again, the plan to fix the world has a lot of details about this topic. Therefore, we can go to the next topic.

- Guaranteeing animal rights.

When we start fixing the environmental problems of the world, the animal kingdom will start healing too. We need, however, to create laws to GUARANTEE the rights of the animals, especially in the slaughterhouses. As humanity is still not ready to become vegetarian, I asked God to FORCE the slaughterhouses to treat the animals with dignity, honor and respect.

Quote from the plan to fix the world: We also need lawful protocols to protect animal dignity in the slaughterhouses around the world. If people still can’t become vegetarians in our planet, at least the animals from the slaughterhouses need to be treated with dignity, living the longer and happier life possible before their slaughter. Their slaughter also needs to be ethical, quick, painless, clean, respectful and imperceptible for the animal. A minimum age for the animals to be slaughtered also needs to be created, so the animals will live a long and gratifying life before helping humanity with their meat.

Requirements of cleaning for the area and life quality for the animals need to be created for the slaughterhouses, minimum space, animal health care, diet, hygiene, recreation, sun bath, and physical exercise needs to be considered.”

God and the light forces are already enforcing this in the whole world, but we need to create laws and make the public aware of this. The other animals should not be allowed to see, hear or perceive while some of their fellows are being slaughtered.

And while we are creating those changes, we need to use our technological development to create HEALTHY synthetic meats.

After that objective is reached, all the animals will be left alone and humanity won’t need to consume real meat anymore. We need to reach those objectives ASAP!!!!

- Fixing overpopulation problems.

Again, the plan to fix the world summarized many of the ideas that we can use to achieve this goal. The only thing that I need to add is that we may actually be under a SUB-POPULATION problem, and not an overpopulation problem. At least in some regions of the world. After we fix our world, people will feel more motivated and guided to create families, and the correct balance of population to our planet will be reached. Adding the interplanetary travel to that issue, there will never be any more problems of sub or overpopulation in our planet.

- The release of advanced technologies.

This needs to be one of our higher priorities. Even though we can solve a lot of the problems of the world with our current level of technology, there are things that we simply can’t achieve now. Such as perfect communication with deceased people.

This is why many advanced technologies, including those created and banned throughout history, need to be released. These technologies will need to help humanity and the planet in their evolution, and not duplicate Ferraris and mansions so that we all can be extremely rich.

If we all became suddenly rich, the moral principles (in which are already relatively rare nowadays) will become even more degraded, and that would be a disservice for humanity. The problem is not becoming rich, the problem is not seeing value to the CONSTRUCTION of richness. We need to work, to improve ourselves and to be GRATEFUL for our material prosperity. When we reach a high level of internal perfection, then cloning Ferraris can be a common practice, because we won’t feel superior to others for owning a Ferrari anymore.

Some of the technologies that humanity needs and deserves (except the replicators as I said) are listed in this petition:

There may be others, of course, but that is a great start already. We need healing for all illnesses, but not instantaneous healings, as God uses illnesses to develop our moral, character and create internal change. But yes, people and animals have the right to receive healthy medicines that will recover their health, even if over time.

Contact with deceased people could be done using the smart phones of the people, and people who don’t have any money to buy smart phones could receive a free simple one from the government.

Well, these are just some ideas, hints and suggestions for us to achieve the changes that we want, together and by ourselves. We are not children planetarily speaking, and we CAN do that together.

But I’m only a civilian and my part in that process is done. I can create texts and share them, but it’s up to people like Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Elon Musk, Edward Snowden, Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and others, to do those changes.

Let’s not forget the main 3 objectives to liberate the Earth. That I said in this text:

To summarize, these objectives are:

1) The arrest or defeat of the dark forces, ideally in a process behind the scenes and not visible for humanity, to help the moral development of humanity.

2) The release of the advanced technologies that will make the life of the people and animals in the planet much better and easier, even though the planet won’t still be a complete paradise.

3) Assistance to the humans who are working to develop the space travel, for it to become possible in around 10 years from now.

We’ll virtually FINISH the quarantine of the Earth in the near future if we work together. We can do that, we have the ideas and the protection too now.

We hope to have been of help to our planet and the life existing on it. It’s a great honor to be part of that process, and I hope we can all live in a more divinely oriented place soon.


Victory of the light!!!!

* Spread far and wide *


  1. I have a question. Since you come from Brazil, why do you still use Chinese pinyin as your name?


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