The bridge is built

Post updated to version 3.0 The outcome of the war of the good and evil on Earth is about to be decided. As most things are not set in stone, it of course also depends on our actions. After we started empowering people against the dark forces, specially but not only against their leaders, cataclysmic changes started. With the power of GOD flowing through people, after their prayers and requests, God was allowed to start taking severe actions and measures against the cabal (dark forces). By the laws of God, he must wait until we ask him for assistance before he can help us, and this (small but extremely important) detail makes ALL the difference. That’s why the strategy of the light forces was to start empowering people, with knowledge on how to deal with the cabal , specially people who were being personally targeted by them. The current leaders of the dark forces are known by some people as the archons (I prefer to call them the ankle-biters). They were once angelic bein...