Operation Genius Guardian

As most of you are probably aware, there were many inventors throughout history who were personally threatened and even killed by the cabal, so that their innovative and life-changing creations or discoveries could be suppressed and the world wouldn't know about them.




Now, as most of you are also probably aware, we found out the antidote to those kinds of threats and retaliations from the cabal, and the antidote is to target the cabal back with severe threats.




This basically means that the path to the release of suppressed and advanced technologies, knowledge, methods and even concrete evidence about many subjects, can finally start being crossed.

First, we will make sure that the cabal (with its little remaining time left) do not interfere with this process, otherwise they will regret being born. The more serious their threats are, the more serious will be our counter-threats. They are not stronger than God, so I advise them not to try to stop this (inevitable) process, or things could become ugly (for them).

Secondly, we will request that our neutral or honest political/military and scientific leaders start releasing those technologies, as they themselves, the people and the world will now be safe from retaliations from the dark forces. If these authorities still don’t release the hidden stuff, they themselves may be viewed as enemies of humanity, sponsors of starvation, poverty and misery, saboteurs of the development of the human race, and traitors, and could also become targets of the system of threats, since God knows exactly what are their weak points too. In other words, God may persuade them to release the stuff. We can’t allow people in Africa to continue starving when there are hidden technologies around the world that could easily solve this problem.

Even though operation Genius Guardian won’t depend on the neutral or honest authorities of the multiple layers of society, it will be much easier for us all if they help us and release those technologies and knowledge, since we know that many government and military agencies around the world DO possess those technologies.

However, we will mainly empower the amateur and anonymous inventors, so that they will feel safe to release the technologies by themselves. They can charge money for the inventions, as long as the prices are fair and just. If the stuff released is really functional and has a fair price, it will quickly receive notoriety and go mainstream.

Those are some of the technologies/knowledge/changes that humanity urgently needs:

- Devices for clear, direct and high quality communication with deceased people.

- Free energy devices.

- Devices to reveal hidden subliminal messages in media content.

- Weather change technologies to bring or stop rain in different regions of the world.

- Desalination of the sea water to the countries in need.

- Hydrogen car engines.

- A monthly basic income in every country of the world.

- 3D printers to build simple houses (even though they will be simple they will still give dignity to people who are homeless).

- Replicators, specially for food.

- Advanced medical technologies.

- Advanced planet cleaning technologies.

As I said, many, if not all of these technologies already exist. It’s time to start releasing it now, and if the cabal tries to stop this process, they know what awaits them. We encourage the governments of powerful and independent countries like Russia, Iran and Brazil to start this process. Our divine protectors and the light forces will make sure that the operation can be carried out without security breaches.

Operation Genius Guardian HAS ALREADY STARTED. All it was necessary was for a single person to request God to start protecting and empowering the inventors and their supporters, and I have already asked God for that. I have also already asked God and the light forces that all the suppressed technologies created by human geniuses from the past are released and given back to humanity.

All we ask for you readers now is to start sharing this text, the text on how to protect yourself against the dark forces and how to take your sovereignty back with the inventors, and also with the neutral and honest authorities of the world, specially the political and military.

We need to take advantage of the fact that the cabal can’t stop us anymore and start changing this world AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. There are homeless people crying from the cold of the night right now, and we need to help those people!!!!!!!!! It doesn’t matter if you agree or not that they should be helped, EVERYBODY has the right for a shelter, food on the table, safety and health care. If you don’t want that you are part of the problem.

*Spread far and wide*


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