Ladies and gentleman, please remember that we don't know what is going to happen in the future yet. Many people are already celebrating, as if the intervention had already happened. Please remember that we are being told of this intervention since 2012, and until now we have seen almost nothing tangible. We need to keep fighting until we see the tangible results that we want. Yes, I'm also happy with the recent developments, but it doesn't necessarily mean that we'll see the intervention that we want. Let's hope we will, but we don't know. I indeed believe that it's possible that the dark forces will be defeated in the near future, it really looks like the end of the line, but we are not sure about how things will unfold until that end and we must be vigilant. Actually, we don't even know if this intervention will be visible for us, because if it is, humanity will basically demand a lot of things from the light forces, riches, changes in their personal...