Astral surveys

Post updated to version 8.0

In one of my previous posts I said that the farcejoker movement had failed. I decided to give a last chance for this movement, asking them to sign a petition asking for advanced technologies to be released for humanity. 

It looks like I was indeed correct in my previous statement, because the petition has only reached 151 signatures until now.

And i'm not even talking about the plan to fix the world, which could have literally changed our planet for the better in at most 2 or 3 years, and the global quests for the light forces website, which could have also helped a lot. The farcejokers didn't want to help me because the aholecons manipulate their minds to hate me out of no reason.

The farcejokers are a shame and a disgrace to this planet (with some exceptions of course), and no wonder why God doesn't want to start a divine intervention in this planet. If not even those who were supposed to be the good guys/girls, are really good guys/girls, why is that God needs to do everything by himself?

By the way, some so-called "teachers of farce" are also a shame and a disgrace, and could even be considered criminal in some cases. If they had supported my initiatives, a lot of lives could have been saved, and the planet could have been helped a lot too, but no, they decided to listen to their egos and hate me only because they are envious of me.
They are responsible for a lot of innocent blood being spilled, the propagation of starvation, poverty, wars and misery. These selfish and cold actions will be remembered forever, and will definitely taint the legacy of some "farce teachers" who think they are better than the others (while in fact they are only aholecon triggered morons, just like the rest of the farcejokers (with some exceptions)).

Yet, even though I don't want anything to do with these failed morons, I want to live in a free planet and I won't give up on this fight. It's not about them, but about the innocent ones, the ones who deserve, me and those I love.

So I have created a new strategy, together with God, and instead of relying only on online petitions, I have created the ASTRAL SURVEYS.

Before explaining what the astral surveys are, I'd like to say here that all those willing to sign the online petitions should still do that, and continue helping to share the petitions also. This is because even though the online petitions are not 100% necessary anymore, they will still help a lot to strengthen the causes, and to hasten the process of positive changes even more. So feel free to continue signing the petitions and sharing them.

The astral surveys are basically surveys created in the astral and mental planes. God and the light forces are being responsible for those surveys, and people can respond to them in the astral plane, perhaps when they fall sleep and project themselves into the astral plane. And thus the change can happen in the physical plane too, as most of those people are still incarnated in the physical plane anyway.

That way we'll be able to start massive changes without relying only on online petitions.

I have already asked God and the light forces not to allow the dark forces to do their own astral/mental surveys too, otherwise they will create a lot of mess, chaos and destruction with this.

By now, it appears that the surveys for the release of the advanced technologies are already completed and humanity has approved the release. I need to confirm this information better, however, and even if the approval has really been given, there are still some testings and plannings that need to be done, even though it (probably) won't take long.

About Operation Checkmate, nothing can be said about it now.

By the way, some of you say that the way I express myself is similar to the way some other people also express themselves. This is actually a coincidence, and it has to do with the fact that I have a very strong connection with the Goddess Isis, who has been my wife in multiple lives (and in some cases my mother too). So it's natural that people from the Isis soul family have some similarities with me in some aspects, and vice-versa, even though i'm from the Shenlong soul family.

In general, everything is going according to the plan, but we can't let our guards down. Remember that we need to empower as many people as possible against the dark forces, especially people who can make the difference against darkness within the system and our world.

Victory of the light!


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