A few words about the (lack) of gratitude.

Some of you may wonder why I'm helping Russia and their allies if I'm not even Russian or interact with them. The problem is not helping others because they are from foreign countries, the problem is to help people and receive virtually no gratitude for what I do.

And that's ok, in fact I don't care. 

From all my work, since my first and second blogs, I received almost no gratitude or no gratitude at all. I don't want people to treat me like a hero, but I expected a "thank you" sometimes at least. The people of this planet are much, much worse than I and the Light Forces expected. Specially because they mask it very well.

The important thing for me, is that God and the Light Forces know who I am and what I did, and the Earth humans will know it one day too, whether they like it or not.
Most likely the Russian government and armed forces don't even care about my safety and well being, and they probably will never feel grateful for me. But as I said, I'm not thinking about that. I'm thinking about the innocent people dying, the children, the elder and the animals, and that's what a man of honor should do (even though obviously I don't need and should not be the only responsible for these vulnerable groups).

The light workers hate me out of no reason (triggered by demons, actually), but I don't hate them back, I'm not like them. I just don't like them, but I don't wish them evil, and as long as they don't point the sword to me, I won't view them as enemies, just as hostile forces.

The mission of my blogs are already completed, and I'm actually doing much more than I should be doing. It's worse than working for free, it's about working for free and for NO gratitude at all (except from beings outside of the Earth, the Galactic Light Forces and God as I said).

That's all I wanted to say. I would have never imagined that my story became like "his" story. He too fought evil head on, receiving no gratitude and seeing others who were not the real heroes taking the credit.

Doing what is right is not easy.


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