Post pre-update: First of all I'd like to say that I'm going to post a very important text here about and to Russia. I highly recommend people in Russia, especially their government officials and armed forces to stay tuned in the blog, as this text will represent the end of the persecution against the people of Russia. Forever. 

Unless there is a change in the strategy, this text is going to be posted very soon here in the blog.



It’s time to put an end in the illegal spying actions of the dark forces with the help of our allies. The forces of darkness control almost the entire internet, indirectly or directly, most of the world’s communication infrastructure, indirectly or directly and most of the military infrastructure, indirectly or directly.

In other words, it’s almost impossible for an ordinary human to escape their surveillance. Yes, you read it right, I said almost impossible ;)


It doesn’t matter how powerful and organized the spying networks of the dark forces are, they are no match for the power of God!!!!!!!!!!!

And the process to receive your protection is very simple. You just need to talk to God, be it with words or with your mind, and ask him to guarantee your privacy completely, forever. That will be enough for him and the Light Forces to start working on behalf of your privacy and rights.

It’s important to note that you can protect your own privacy and the privacy of your family, but that WORLD LEADERS CAN ASK FOR PRIVACY FOR THEIR COUNTRIES TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the same goes to military forces, and other groups too (including the resistance forces groups).

God will protect the countries not only against the spying eyes of the dark forces, but also against the spying of other hostile countries too. How was the United States so sure that Russia was going to attack Ukraine, and Iran was going to attack Israel? It’s obviously because of spying actions against those countries.

This all can stop now.

Please be advised that it’s not only because God will be guaranteeing your protection that you can or need to lower your guard. Protect your privacy and rights in the ways you can too, but knowing that God is providing the real and ultimate protection. This is of course because you need to be responsible too.

What people also don’t know is how vast the spying networks of the dark forces are. As I said, a person fighting alone would have almost no chance of escaping that. Especially because they would kill the person if the person somehow lived like a crazy scientist using multiple devices like jammers, aluminum shields and other techniques, inside a dark room, just to try to escape spying.

BUT WE HAVE GOD ON OUR SIDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The actions of the dark forces are very unethical and dishonored, not to say disrespectful, illegal and treacherous. They need to be held accountable for those actions and we must push for justice together. It's actually much worse than Edward Snowden made people realize.

If the person or group is not protected by God and the Light Forces, the dark forces are capable of spying on them via satellite, turning on cell phone/laptop cameras remotely, invading 100% offline computers through the use of infected pen-drives connected to it, spying through extraterrestrial implants which use nanotechnology and etc. And I’m not even talking about the natural spying processes, that they perform when people are using their cell phones or computers, that in almost all the cases use Operating Systems that are basically key-loggers for the dark forces.

I, personally, love the Linux Operating System.

So, to summarize, let’s all start asking God to guarantee our privacy, the privacy of our countries, armed forces and governments. That will deal a HUGE blow to the dark forces and their agenda, as they need data and information to create their plans.


Election theft prevention is a little bit more complicated because this is a more national issue instead of an individual or team issue. So, what is needed for election theft to be prevented is that as many people as possible ask God, in the way they see fit, to prevent the stealing. It’s just that simple.

Even though in situations like armies being protected from spying, the prayer of a simple soldier will also be heard by God (although in these situations it’s better that the leaders of the army ask for the protection, because they are the main responsible ones for the troops), in election theft situations, maybe only one person asking God to guarantee a fair election may not be enough.

This is because all the nation needs to pay attention to the elections, they need to care, monitor and observe properly. It’s a national issue after all.

So it requires more people asking for God to grant the protection, and it’s up to each individual person how to find ways to spread this information as much as possible, to prevent future election thefts. You could ask people to pray for the elections using your social media networks, and ask them to spread the word even more.

It’s not exactly the number of people that will count. Maybe just 1% of the country will ask that protection, but they will ask with so much faith, that God could grant it. And the roles of the people asking for the protection will also count a lot too. People related to the election staff for example, will have a huge say in this process.

So that’s how you protect your privacy and defend your countries against election theft.

* Spread far and wide *


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