Post Updated to Version 2.0

Before the main text, I’d like to make a quick update about the situation of Mexico reclaiming back their territory stolen by the United States.

Actually I don’t know what is going on about this subject, because now the ones who need to decide what to do, are the people and government of Mexico. I said that there is at least 95% certainty that they will indeed successfully reclaim their stolen territory, but only if they want to do that of course.

And as I also said, God and the light forces will guarantee that they are respected in their wish, because it is their right.

We ask the people and government of Mexico to do the right thing and to really reclaim what is rightfully theirs. They are the only ones who can save the world. The United States is responsible for a lot of evil, suffering and injustices in our world, and Mexico can put an end to this. With military options against the United States, the entire world would end, so peaceful solutions are the better option we have.

By reclaiming their territory back, Mexico will make sure that the United States won’t be powerful to the point of negatively manipulating our world that much anymore, and peace, prosperity and equality will begin to return to our world. It’s a very important decision and a lot of people depend on the right choice of Mexico. I pray that they do the right thing.



The beings of darkness know that the time of evil has ended because they are witnessing this reality by themselves. Many of them are being arrested, executed by military squads, sent to divine punishments and etc.

However, the only things that God wants, are justice and balance. God doesn’t want to “punish” anyone, not even those who committed serious crimes.

He wants to restore peace, unity, justice and joy to our world, and there are other ways to achieve that than simply “punishing” the beings of darkness. So we have created a system that will make it much easier for the beings of darkness to surrender, while still answering for their crimes before the justice of God.

With this new system, instead of being sent to terrible self-punishments, the beings of darkness will be able (depending on each case of course) to choose for DETENTIONS. These detentions will as I said, replace severe punishments when possible, but they will still represent a challenge for the beings of darkness, and will still serve the purpose of divine justice, because God can’t and won’t abandon the justice.

For the beings of darkness to receive the detentions instead of punishments, arrests, executions and etc. the following guidelines need to be obeyed. Please remember that God will protect anyone that requests the detentions, so you don’t need to worry that the dark forces will target and kill you after you do that.

1) They need to repent for all the suffering they have caused to others and to stop doing any more of that permanently.

2) They need to ask for forgiveness for everybody that they created suffering to, even if they ask for this forgiveness in mass and not individually, with their thoughts only.

We all know what is good and what is bad, even if some of us may have different views here and there about this topic. If you caused suffering, you need to ask for forgiveness for this suffering, because you would NOT like if someone created suffering on you just because they thing they are right. Only GOD can judge.

3) They need to ask God to forgive them and give them the detentions instead of arresting them, executing them, sending them to the maximum divine punishment, sending them to Kaosbane the dark matrix planet, and etc.

4) God will analyze each case individually to decide if it’s possible to grant the detentions or not. I believe most, if not all cases will be granted if they follow these guidelines, independently of the situation.

Know that God may NOT accept to grant the detention to beings of darkness that, even after finding out about the possibility of receiving detentions instead of punishments, keep delaying this request just to try to buy time or be “the smart ones”. You will have time to think about the offer and decide only.

Remember, as I said, that everybody that requests the detentions will be protected by God against retaliations of other members of the dark forces. So you can request your detention without any fear of punishments by the dark forces.

5) If the appeal is accepted, God will created the detentions according to each case. Know that these detentions won’t be a walk in the park and they will really serve divine justice. However, it’s much better to, for example, stay in your house studying boring things for 6 hours or more everyday, than being arrested by the divine forces of God. Or maybe living with a specific pain for a specific number of years, before God release you from this, instead of being sent to Kaosbane to be hunted and eaten by demons.

God will make your lives easier but you will still need to answer before his justice, so that it will be a win/win solution for everybody involved. I don’t know how long each detention will last because this will be judged individually by God.

This way we can restore balance in this planet without the need for more bloodshed. God wants justice as I said, and even though justice may involve this sometimes, it doesn’t need to be like that. So we all will start over in a better place for us all.

The beings of darkness that don’t accept the detentions will continue being hunted by the light forces to answer for their crimes. And I tell them, their time is running out. God won’t wait much longer, as this planet is changing and rejecting negativity. If they don’t grab the opportunity for the detentions now, they may greatly regret in the future, when they see themselves living the reality of the divine punishments (especially the maximum punishment). So I advise them to be wise and act while they still can.

For the people that don’t like or agree with this idea, know that this process will greatly hasten the planetary liberation. Instead of focusing on revenge and retribution, we need to focus on balance and justice, especially because we will also be gratified with the acceleration of the planetary intervention as I said. After this process is completed, God will be able to start the planetary changes that I proposed in this article. Even though our planet still won’t be a paradise, it will be 90% better if not more.

So I advise we all to make the best choices, because one of the biggest problems in this planet is that their living beings often make bad choices. Choices of revenge, of making things worse, of egoism and etc. We need to change that so that our reality gets transformed.

* Spread far and wide *

By the way, God will also help to spread this text far and wide, in multiple dimensions. So I guarantee you that this text will indeed have a huge impact in the betterment of our planet.



I sensed that there is a considerable resistance from some people towards this plan, as they want to see a harsher justice or even revenge.

First of all, as I said, these detentions won’t be a walk in the park. Would you enjoy if you had to feel a severe pain, 3 times per week, for years to go, and the pain left only in the fourth day? Or maybe waking up 4 a.m to be in the charity center at 5 a.m and work the entire day there, resting only on Sundays and half-period on Saturdays?

Each case will be judged by God, so you don’t need to worry.

You forget that you also do a lot of wrong things, and when it’s about showing mercy to others, many of you don’t agree. This planet is very close to a collapse and actually you all should be grateful that we found this solution. It’s similar to a person having a stroke or convulsions, and it would express itself as natural disasters in the entire planet. If that happens, EVERYBODY WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!

God offered you to start the cosmic event for this planet to be free and you REJECTED it.

God gave you an easy and practical plan to fix your world in a few years and you REJECTED it.

I’m God, you fools, and you rejected me just like you rejected Lord Jesus when he was alive.

Don’t forget also that the vast majority of the victims of the dark forces are also beings of darkness, even if they are not completely evil in all the cases. The detentions were created to restore balance and to set things in motion, as you, due to your cowardice, arrogance and fear to listen to me, prefer to continue suffering and seeing your world gets demolished around you, instead of accepting to change your internal worlds (that are the main responsibles for this mess, as it’s all a reflection of the Earthlings themselves).

As I said, I won’t back down on my decisions to continue with this little game TO THE END. If you don’t want to accept that you need to change on the inside, and not on the outside with your empty religious practices and dogmas, THEN LET’S CONTINUE WITH THIS LITTLE GAME UNTIL THE END.

I wish you all a very nice day.


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