Secrets of the dark lord

Before the main post, I’m going to make another update about Operation Checkmate. It looks like that now the mass arrests will be performed in secret, and not in the open. The divine forces have realized that it's better to let humanity evolve in a more organic and natural way, instead of simply gifting them an intervention that they don’t deserve. Humanity doesn’t have the moral merit to go through a colorful intervention, and that includes the light workers/light warriors too.

With the mass arrests of the dark forces happening in secret, the positive changes will be set in motion on the planet without gifting humanity these things that they don’t deserve. Humanity (including the light workers and light warriors) is not interested in an internal change, they are not humble and kind with everybody, and only with those they agree with or see as an important or famous figure. Also, most of them are actually very cold and cruel unless they agree with the person or see him or her as “worthy”.

This is the complete opposite of what God wanted, and thus God will bring the changes only through advanced technologies being brought to Earth, in a very similar process to what is described in this article:

Therefore, I repeat: THERE WON’T BE ANY DRAMATIC EVENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could be wrong, of course, but according to my sources and research, I’m not wrong, and it’s the release of the advanced technologies that will change the life of humanity for the better. Even though life here won’t be 100% perfect, I believe it will be at least 90% better, and that is already a huge gift, and no more or no less than humanity deserves.

So, to summarize things, the quarantine of the planet will most likely be resolved naturally, when around 10 years after the defeat of the dark forces (in secret), humanity will pierce the quarantine with space travel.

Humanity won’t be denied the truth, of course, but the truth will be received by those who are ready and willing to get it, especially after the quarantine is pierced, and the true history of our planet starts to be told.

Many rumors will circulate through the internet, but the authorities of the light forces won’t allow any official information to be released, to protect the moral evolution of humanity. I ask the many groups of the light forces to refrain from releasing sensitive intel, unless they want to be saturated with a huge pressure from many morally undeveloped light workers, demanding intervention to their group. You have been warned.

For those who didn’t like this news, well, sorry, but you had your chances. The plot twist of the story is that God Himself came to Earth, and tried very hard to bring a change to this planet, but his words were rejected (and worse, they were rejected by those who call themselves light people).

So, as we can see, the decision of God was (again) the best one.


Secrets of the dark lord.

The forces of darkness had a purpose and a mission in the history of this universe. As this purpose and role are ending, I’m going now to reveal as much as I can about that. I’ll be showing coincidences that may or may not be related to them, and that can be recognized by people familiar with the pop culture, especially games. Some people say that their secrets are actually very clear if you can open your eyes enough to see them.

After the grand cosmic error that created the first parasites or demons in the history of creation, God realized that he needed to give a purpose and a direction to darkness. It would be restructured to provide challenges to the souls of the universe, with the intention of helping evolution, self-development and personal growth.

So God, himself, created Lucifer, the dark lord. Lucifer was created to be the ultimate boss of the dark forces, an almost invincible being, that could only be fought and beaten by Ascended, Divine beings or by a collective effort.

Lucifer rebelled according to the will of God, and with him a huge part of the Galaxy also fell to darkness. This was the beginning of the Galactic Wars.

Although Lucifer was the ultimate leader of darkness, he wasn’t completely corrupted, and he understood his role as the main opponent of the light to help with the evolution of the universe (and also as an authority that would put order to the dark forces). The fallen angelic beings known in Gnosis as Archons feared Lucifer, and they accepted his role as the main boss of darkness, while they were like sub-bosses or high commanders.

The Galactic Wars raged for millions of years, and none of the sides could score a final victory. It was all a reflection of the Galaxy itself, and the beings inside of it.

During the tragedy in the Lucifer rebellions that tainted almost the entire reptilian race, large portions of the galaxy became heavily negative and infected. Huge amounts of planets in the constellations of Orion, Draco, Hydra, Ophiuchus, Ursa Major, Corona Borealis, and Seraphim, if not more, were infected.

After millions of years of war, the moral development of the beings of the milky way started to grow, and the mighty Orion Empire, ruled by Lucifer and the Aholecons, started being defeated. The empire was now confined to only a tiny fraction of what it was before, and so another group, also of fallen angelic beings, saw the opportunity to take the command of darkness to themselves.

This group is known as the extinct chimera group, of demonic spiders.

With so much weakening of his forces, Lucifer was not able to hold out and he and his forces were defeated by the chimera group. The insectoids, sub-leaders of the dark forces, like the aholecons (or even other powerful groups of the dark forces that weren't insectoids, like the pterosaur interdimensional extraterrestrials), also couldn’t do anything about it.

The fact is that God saw absolutely no purpose in the rule of the chimera group. They didn’t represent the evolution and development of the universe, like Lucifer did. They represented pure darkness and chaos, the absolute expression of evil.

So God didn’t like the development of the situation, but he decided to wait. For the brief (in cosmic scale) period of time that the chimera group stayed in power, they created a huge negativity and imbalance to the universe. Many of the atrocities that we hear about here on Earth, are an expression of the distortion created by their rule.

The game Team Fortress Classic, from the game company Valve, has many similarities and resemblances of characters that look like members and agents of the
extinct chimera group. That can be a coincidence (as everything that I’ll share below) and I’m not implying anything here.

In their underground bases, the chimera group had teams, with uniforms, and even functions very similar to that of the game.

I, particularly, don’t like the vibe of that game at all.

What we DO know for sure, though, is that Valve was already accused of using sprites of real dead bodies in their games.

WARNING: GRAPHIC. 18+ ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the game Gears of War, from Microsoft, there are very accurate 3D representation of demonic reptilians.

Some of the demonic enemies like the Rager are so accurately represented that I became completely shocked when I first saw it.

And the noises and grunts are also very similar to noises and grunts of demons.

Also, the game Duke Nuken 64 fictionally represents many of the (former) deep underground military bases (and other areas too) of the dark forces with incredible accuracy.

Negative reptilians are ALSO portrayed in the game.

In the final phase of the galactic wars, God decided to intervene. He warned that he would take action to stop the war unless a mutual understanding was reached. Fearing his power, many of the beings of darkness accepted to agree with his terms, and signed a treaty called the Ankhara treaty, in the 90’s.

Yet, many stubborn beings of darkness didn’t want to surrender and kept fighting, invading planet Earth in 1996, mostly through the underground regions and the lower spiritual realms.

The entire historical record of such events can be read here:

Now, as we are very close to the final defeat of darkness, THERE ARE NO ABSOLUTE LEADERS OF DARKNESS ANYMORE!!!!!

Lucifer, the aholecons, the interdimensional pterosaurs and the chimera were defeated or are gravely weakened. We can say that some negative factions of the surface are leading the dark forces, but that is not completely true, as they act with considerable autonomy too.

Be advised that my intel is backed by historical, ufological and theological evidence, and even though some sources talk about a particular creature that lurks around, as the main leader of the dark forces, very little evidence about it was shared.

Now, God understands darkness completely, and it’s time to erase it from the universe. Only about 3% of it was considered positive or neutrally positive, and can be kept, while the rest will be gone soon forever, at least from duality planets with innocents, and completely dark planets may take longer to make this transition.

And now, a fictional representation of what our mass prayer in 2023 may have avoided:

The time came for some secrets to be revealed, as soon darkness will be nothing more than a distant memory. We shall not, however, forget about how destructive it was, and that it will live inside of us forever as a POTENTIAL.

We should never, ever, allow that potential to manifest anymore, as we already know the results.

Victory of the light!


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