Post updated to version 3.0


The forces of envy and hate are attacking Russia again. These forces know no limits and they become every time worse, the more they are fed.


But this time these forces will be grind to a halt, because we will stop them with a different sword that was never used by Russia. THE SWORD OF LIGHT!!!!!!

Every time, the forces of envy and hate act out no reason, or at least no valid or important reasons. They hate Russia simply because “Russia is big”, or “Russians are from the east”, or “Russia won ww2”, or “Russians are mixed with the Mongolians”, or “Russia is thriving” or “Russians are slavs” or “Russia won’t be allowed to be happy” and bla bla bla. Now Russia is being forced to fight men from multiple areas of the world, as their treacherous enemies are using mercenaries.

These cruel and cold people won’t stop. They have no mercy, no respect, no honor and no humanity. This negativity operates both in demons and in the hearts of humans too (the majority of the Earth humans actually, although to different degrees). Thus, there is no such thing as “demonic influence” in the same way that people believe. Yes, this phenom exists, but the choices of people are the deciding factor almost in all the cases.


However, simply fighting back with the same violence won’t solve the problem, and will actually make it worse, as the negativity will accumulate. This is why I’m granting Russia the sword of light.

The sword of light will need to be used by the Russian Government and Armed Forces. Even though of course if the population of Russia helps in the process it will be much more effective, the ones who need to wield the sword are not the population of Russia.

Vladimir Putin, the current president of Russia, has a huge say in this process. God views him as the leader and main responsible for that country, and therefore God will be listening to him very closely. Him and the other representatives of the Russian government, religions and army too.


It’s only with light that we will defeat darkness. The Russian government and armed forces need to start praying, in the way they see fit, using the system of threats and asking God to intervene, to defend their country, the civilian population, to repel the invaders, to help them to win the battles, to extinguish the enemy forces and etc!!! Yes, the Russian people will need to fight too, but the fight will be much more easy, fair and honored.

The Russian government and armed forces also need to inspire the population to pray, asking God to defend their country, and for the population to act with honor, integrity and morality in every situation, even in war. They need to use all the spiritual and positive tools they have at their disposal to create Good energies that will repel and block all the negativity that is trying to breach in Russia. They need to support and help each other, standing in unity for their country and people. These are the only effective ways to defeat evil without getting yourself sucked in the destruction too.


Even though Russia has to act with honor and integrity, they also need to punish hard all of the perpetrators of violence and hate crimes against their population, including the leaders and commanders of the dark forces behind it. To strike fear in their evil hearts and show the consequences for the repetition of these actions. Without blind violence and revenge, as I said.





Russia did NOT invade Ukraine to create this blood bath. They just wanted Ukraine to stay out of NATO and to remove a few dangerous weapons from the (crazy) Ukraine, because Ukraine hates Russia so much that it wanted to use these weapons against Russia as soon as it could (and they thought (wrongly) that the United States was going to protect them if Russia became a threat for them).

Actually, I really have no idea on why Russia has not yet took action against the Ukrainian government. The most CORRUPT AND EVIL government in the world.









Know that with these dishonored and shameful actions, UKRAINE HAS SEALED ITS FATE!!!!!!!!

Divine justice and punishment will befall Ukraine, and there is nothing they can do to stop that. It’s already happening, actually.


A country that does so many dishonored and shameful things, just because they want to become part of a richer bloc (Western Europe) and because of senseless hate and prejudice against Russia, deserves to receive the full might of the justice of God.

That’s why Ukraine won’t be able to use the sword of light in their war against Russia, they have already chosen the sword of darkness since the beginning of the war.

They should be shameful of themselves for their actions, before and during this war, and they are morons too, as the real Nazis HATED THEM, and they are no Nazis no shit!!!!!

The Nazis were Aryan and Norse descendant people, and they HATED the Ukrainian Slavs. Not only that, but they also committed a lot of atrocities against the Ukrainian people in world war 2, AND IT WAS RUSSIA WHO SAVED THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It’s true that Joseph Stalin was responsible for a lot of suffering against the Ukrainian people, but what does the modern Russia has to do with it? Stalin made a lot of Russians suffer too, he was a dictator. So why so much hate and evil out of no reason? THEY MUST RECEIVE AN ASS WHOOPING TO LEARN TO STOP BEING COLD AND CRUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But talking about Russia again, it’s important to note that even if Russia uses the sword of light, THE PROBLEM MAY COME BACK IN THE FUTURE, and I’ll explain why.

Russia is ruled by the sign of Gemini. Astrology is much more important and exact than most people realize. The sign of Gemini has something that I call “the curse of Gemini”, and this curse express itself always creating a loop of disgraces, hardships and wars for the sign. What Russia went through in world war 2, was the curse of Gemini being expressed. More than 20 million Russians perished.


Gemini is the most powerful zodiac sign, and the curse of Gemini is one of the reasons why. It also makes Gemini much stronger and resilient, but there is a limit to everything. If Russia (through their leaders) don’t break the curse, there may be a point in which the curse of Gemini will end up defeating Russia, because nobody can be a Rambo or Chuck Norris forever.

So again, the Russian authorities, especially the Russian government, army and religious leaders, need to pray and ask God to forgive all the mistakes that Russia committed in the past, and to make sure that Russia is allowed to live in peace and with happiness.

It’s only God that will guarantee this, it’s not possible to fight so much hate and hardships alone, I’m a Gemini too and the curse of Gemini got me multiple times, almost destroying me in some situations. It was through the help of God, my Guardian Angel, my family and the Light Forces that I was able to survive and break the curse.

So that’s how Russia will be able to wield the sword of light and drive the forces of darkness back permanently. They will also need to fight the Ukrainians with all their might, because the Ukrainians are extremely powerful too. 

Not only they have Russian blood in their veins, but Ukraine is also ruled by the extremely powerful sign of Virgo. The Gemini, Leo, Virgo triad is composed of the three most powerful zodiac signs.

It’s the fight of Russia’s life now. They can’t let their guards down because there is simply too much hate and envy directed to Russia right now. But as I said, the Light Forces won’t allow Russia to go through what they went through in world war 2 again. We must also keep an eye in Armenia, because it is also ruled by Gemini and the dark forces want to repeat the Turkish holocaust that happened in Armenia in 1915. I recommend Armenia and their allies to also wield the sword of light to fight off the forces of darkness.


And to end the text, since we are also talking about astrology, the United States is ruled by the sign of Cancer.

Cancer is not considered to be a powerful zodiac sign, HOWEVER, good luck if you are going to compete against them, as they are extremely good in competitions. In competition aspects, they are almost all the time in the first, second or third places. They have a very good attack but also a very bad defense, and it’s not recommended to stay on the defensive against them, unless you are good at defensive stances.

Since competitions are not everything in life, Cancer is not considered a powerful sign as I said, and others signs like Gemini and Virgo are also very good at competitions.

Leo usually does not compete as well as Cancer, Gemini and Virgo, but Leo is, as I said, also considered one of the three most powerful zodiac signs, together with Gemini and Virgo, and Leo is the bravest too.

Even though this information about astrology usually talks about tendencies, and may not represent the truth in 100% of the cases, they are still very reliable information and we need to carefully consider them if we want to understand the big picture better.

Russia will be in my prayers, but I’m not Russian and I can’t do it for them. They need to act now, before the situation starts getting out of control like in world war 2 again.

And now, a small message (loud sound warning to headphone users).

Victory of the light!

I have a suggestion here that will possibily help Ukraine and Russia to reach a peace deal for this bloodshed to end completely. Both sides and their allies will be able to say that they won the war with this idea, so none of the sides will feel ashamed or defeated.

Even though as you could clearly see I'm not a very big fan of Ukraine, I DON'T agree that Russia keeps their territory after the war. This is because Ukraine is a sovereign country, and no matter what their mistakes were, they can still have the chance to repent and seek forgiveness, and forgive Russia, and vice-versa.

We all know that both countries suffered a lot in the past, but violence won't solve anything, it will only create more violence, suffer and disgraces for both countries.
So my suggestion is: Russia will give back all the territories they took from Ukraine (except Crimea, as it voted to be part of Russia) in exchance for the guarantee that Ukraine won't join NATO in the future, and that Ukraine will dismantle all their illegal weapon facilities and laboratories (like bio or chemical weapons). The civilian population from the eastern area of Ukraine will also need to be respected. Ukraine joining NATO is as unfair as the Russians positioning as many troops as they wanted in Mexico. The United States would NOT like that at all!!!!!!
Both sides will need to honor their word, otherwise THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY will be allowed to take military action against the lying side.

Ukraine will be allowed to join the European Union if they want it, and if the European Union also wants it. Russia will freely keep their BRICS membership.

No payments for compensation will be made from Russia to Ukraine.
Both sides can use the tools below to make sure that the United States or any other country won't force Ukraine to reject this deal:



Update 2:

The sword of light is to be used if the forces of darkness don't want to change or repent. How would I call myself a man of honor if I wanted people to continue dying in this war just because I like Russia more than I like Ukraine?

However, if the evil forces that are targeting Russia do not accept to change and repent, then the sword of light will make sure that they are pushed back to hell where they belong, and I will pray for the victory of Russia and help them with my wisdom until the victory is reached.
For now, let's all cheer for a peace agreement, so that this bloodbath can stop. Those I said I don't like much are the leaders of Ukraine (and the corrupt soldiers too), but I haver never, EVER felt happy for the suffering and loss of life of the people of Ukraine, and I would target Russia with the help of the light forces if they were attacking the Ukrainian civilians too (which they are NOT). Modern Russia is an example to be followed in our world, even though they are not perfect of course. We can't allow them to continue suffering with these injustices anymore, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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