In some of my previous articles I told you that the sovereignty of Russia was guaranteed, but that I didn’t want to start a specific plan unless it was absolutely necessary. Well, I was hoping that the United States government could somehow come to their senses and stop manipulating the Russo-Ukrainian war, where millions of people are dying or suffering, just because the United States wants to prevent Russia from being a competition to them (as they want to implement Pro-USA and Pro-American-way-of-life politicians in every countries of the world, including Russia). They also want to completely destroy some other countries like Iran for example (which they won’t of course).

The United States was responsible for untold suffering and injustices in our world. Over time, they lost the principles in which they were founded for and became an evil imperialist force, taking over or destroying countries using Pro-USA politicians and military leaders, threatening other countries, destroying the economies and lives of other people and countries just because those didn’t follow their orders, engaging in false flag events, funding terrorism and etc.

Little could the countries of the world do, because the United States was lucky to be placed in a very protected geographic area, protected from the North, East and West, and with no dangers or very little dangers possibly coming from the South.

They were also lucky that their industrial park remained intact after world war 2, while the industrial park of other countries was largely impacted and to great degrees destroyed during the war.

However, no matter how powerful you (think) you are, engaging in dishonored and evil actions will lead to your own destruction, because the justice of God won’t give up.

As it is now clear that the USA won’t stop with their wrongdoings, I decided to start a plan that will guarantee the sovereignty of Russia and all the other countries of the world FOREVER now.

First of all I’d like to say that the people of the United States will remain safe, as we want the civilian population to continue protected. Everything will be done LEGALLY and according to the laws too.
Many of the people from the United States disagree with the behavior of their government and know that this is destroying not only other countries, but their country as well.

They know that a lot of countries hate the United States now and this is not good and won’t lead to anything good at all. Although, even though I was trying to avoid the suffering of the (usually) kind-hearted people of the United States, there was no other option and I had to start the plan.

And the plan is:


Some of you may think that this is impossible, given the power and influence of the USA, but there is a person that can make this plan become a reality.

AND THIS PERSON IS GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With the tools I’ll be showing bellow, and a little bit of determination and patience, Mexico can indeed take back the territory that the USA illegally stole from them.

As I said, the people of the United States won’t be harmed in the process, and it will actually help them, because the government of the United States is destroying them and the world too. So they will become Mexicans now, but we won’t allow the Mexicans or any other country to persecute or harm them, as the Light Forces are committed with the protection of the people of the world. But yes, many of them will feel sad about this change, but that’s the price their country has to pay for having been so evil and sucking off so many countries throughout history. A lot of people died, starved and lived in poverty because of the parasitism and egoism of the United States.

It’s important to note that the fact that the USA illegally stole Mexican lands is not disputed. That is a historically known and accepted fact, and therefore, Mexico has the right to receive their lands back.

Without the help of God, the United States would start invasions, threats, economic attacks and even nuclear wars to stop that from happening.

But oh, things are different now, and the government of the USA (that is controled by the dark forces) will be forced to obey the law and give back what they stole from Mexico.

Of course I can’t guarantee 100% that it will indeed happen, but with the tools I’m giving Mexico, and with God helping, I believe that we can be at least 95% sure that it will happen.

Mexico can defend themselves with the help of God and the Light Forces, and believe me, not even a single foreign country will invade Mexico for their decision, as God won’t allow it. The Mexican government and armed forces just need to ask God, be it with words or their minds, to protect their country and help them to take the land that is rightfully theirs back through legal actions.

So, while they continue praying during the process, they need to start an international appeal through court, asking for the United States to give their lands back. With a little bit of patience as I said, and a lot of faith, God will make that happen, because it is the right course of action. What was done with Mexico was stealing.

Of course Mexico may have signed papers to “formalize” the situation, but it’s obvious that they did that because they didn’t want to be killed by the American forces. In other words, God can make sure that they have the protection to undo any deal that they might have done with the Americans. They need to use the tools I shared with them and seek the help and protection of God as I said, otherwise it won’t be possible to take their lands back.

The International Court of Justice is one of the organizations that can make Mexico reclaim their territory legally. I have already asked God to support this cause and to spread this text to important people in Mexico and in the world, so that the land return can start legally, peacefully and with honesty.

The United States will lose a huge portion of “their” territory after that and they won’t be as influential as they were before. The dollar will lose its strength and they won’t be able to pay their national debt (as it is HUGE) after these events.

This will lead to the complete end of the United States, and thus the end of the evil parasitism of one country to another, as the USA is the main responsible for these practices nowadays.

Again, if you think that the United States is too strong and will never allow that to happen, let me “refresh your memory”:

As you can see, nobody is as strong and invincible as they might think, and only a correct conduct and honored actions can truly guarantee our safety.

After the USA becomes unable to pay their national debt, as they will lose a huge part of their industrial park and natural resources (not to say the confidence of investors and prestige as a stable and strong economy), they will need to start selling assets, and the remaining portion of their country will be bought up by other countries.

And so, the world’s strongest currency will be the Chinese Yuan and this will make sure that the world economy doesn’t collapse, as there will be a safe and reliable second option to the US dollar.

After the United States ceases to exist, there won’t be any more unnecessary wars, color revolutions, illegal spyings, interference in sovereign governments affairs, and etc, since the United States currently is the main responsible for these actions.

Russia and China have seen a lot of wars and blood in their own mainland territory and they simply DON’T WANT any of that anymore, unlike the United State that has always had their mainland territory and people safe, while other countries and peoples suffered the results of the wars that their imperialism started.

Again, we won’t allow them to start attacking other countries and peoples for what will happen to them.

I said that the people of the United States will remain safe and it’s only SOME things that will change for them, not everything. They will become citizens of Mexico, which is a much more peaceful country than the United States, and a huge portion of the world will stop seeing them with ‘eyes of vengeance’.

HOWEVER, God may not prevent a civil war between themselves if they still want to fight against the cause. He can (and will) prevent them from attacking other countries, but if they want to destroy themselves, he could allow it since they are also somehow responsible for the crimes that their government committed against other countries. Only a peaceful change of administration and justice are being proposed, but if they still try to grab their weapons to spread violence, the only violence that could be allowed by God will be to themselves by themselves.

So I recommend them to calm down and understand that the process of divine justice against their country is inevitable and nothing can prevent that from happening.

By the way, I’ll also share a small message here to the country of Iran:

Remember that if you were attacked, God GUARANTEES you the right of self-defense. However, God can’t allow this self-defense act to be over-exaggerated or disproportional, and God also wants the civilians and the innocent to stay out of this all.

So the leadership of Iran can make sure that divine justice is served, while the territorial and physical integrity of their country and people will remain respected, using these tools:

So that the only attacks that will be directed to Iran will be fake attacks with children’s toys.

I told you I wasn’t bluffing 😆

* Spread far and wide *


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