
Mostrando postagens de agosto, 2024




 I'm a nobody, just like you also are.


In some of my previous articles I told you that the sovereignty of Russia was guaranteed, but that I didn’t want to start a specific plan unless it was absolutely necessary. Well, I was hoping that the United States government could somehow come to their senses and stop manipulating the Russo-Ukrainian war, where millions of people are dying or suffering, just because the United States wants to prevent Russia from being a competition to them (as they want to implement Pro-USA and Pro-American-way-of-life politicians in every countries of the world, including Russia). They also want to completely destroy some other countries like Iran for example (which they won’t of course) . The United States was responsible for untold suffering and injustices in our world. Over time, they lost the principles in which they were founded for and became an evil imperialist force, taking over or destroying countries using Pro-USA politicians and military leaders, threatening other countries, destroying

A few words about the (lack) of gratitude.

Some of you may wonder why I'm helping Russia and their allies if I'm not even Russian or interact with them. The problem is not helping others because they are from foreign countries, the problem is to help people and receive virtually no gratitude for what I do. And that's ok, in fact I don't care.  From all my work, since my first and second blogs, I received almost no gratitude or no gratitude at all. I don't want people to treat me like a hero, but I expected a "thank you" sometimes at least. The people of this planet are much, much worse than I and the Light Forces expected. Specially because they mask it very well. The important thing for me, is that God and the Light Forces know who I am and what I did, and the Earth humans will know it one day too, whether they like it or not. Most likely the Russian government and armed forces don't even care about my safety and well being, and they probably will never feel grateful for me. But as I said,


This is just an update to tell you that I'm more than 95% sure that the sovereignty and safety of Russia are guaranteed now. I have developed a plan together with God that will make sure that Russia does not go through what they went through in world war 2. Even though as I said I'm not 100% sure that it will work, I'm almost completely certain that it will. However, I ask Russia to keep fighting for the light and defending itself, and not to depend on anybody else, except themselves and God. But yes, there is a plan that is 100% ethical, within the international laws and was approved by God. THIS PLAN IS 100% CLASSIFIED BY NOW AND I WON'T SAY WHAT IT IS. I have already created a dead man trigger, together with God, for if something happens to me (what WON'T happen and it's just an extra precaution), this plan will be immediately activated by God and his divine forces. I can't activate this plan now, because even though it is 100% ethical, legal and div


Post updated to version 3.0   The forces of envy and hate are attacking Russia again. These forces know no limits and they become every time worse, the more they are fed. But this time these forces will be grind to a halt, because we will stop them with a different sword that was never used by Russia. THE SWORD OF LIGHT!!!!!! Every time, the forces of envy and hate act out no reason, or at least no valid or important reasons. They hate Russia simply because “Russia is big”, or “Russians are from the east”, or “Russia won ww2”, or “Russians are mixed with the Mongolians”, or “Russia is thriving” or “Russians are slavs” or “Russia won’t be allowed to be happy” and bla bla bla. Now Russia is being forced to fight men from multiple areas of the world, as their treacherous enemies are using mercenaries. These cruel and cold people won’t stop. They have no mercy, no respect, no honor and no humanity. This negativity operates both in demons and


Post pre-update: First of all I'd like to say that I'm going to post a very important text here about and to Russia. I highly recommend people in Russia, especially their government officials and armed forces to stay tuned in the blog, as this text will represent the end of the persecution against the people of Russia. Forever.  Unless there is a change in the strategy, this text is going to be posted very soon here in the blog. ----------------------- UPDATE: It’s time to put an end in the illegal spying actions of the dark forces with the help of our allies. The forces of darkness control almost the entire internet, indirectly or directly, most of the world’s communication infrastructure, indirectly or directly and most of the military infrastructure, indirectly or directly. In other words, it’s almost impossible for an ordinary human to escape their surveillance. Yes, you read it right, I sa